“Speed before safety” news story
Author: Journal oil
Date: 11-15-2023 - 23:17

“Supervisors have strong incentives to push their workers like this. Court records show that several freight rail companies rate and rank their managers using metrics that reward them for trains staying on schedule and penalize them for disruptions — even when the delays are caused by safety precautions. ‘Slow order delays,’ for example, calculate the amount of time lost from slowing trains because of unsafe track conditions.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  “Speed before safety” news story Journal oil 11-15-2023 - 23:17
  Consider the Source Guest 11-16-2023 - 08:04
  Re: Consider the Source Yes 11-16-2023 - 08:11
  Re: Consider the Source? LMAO.... Always good to start the day with a joke.... BOB2 11-16-2023 - 08:48
  Re: Consider the Source? LMAO.... Always good to start the day with a joke.... Guest 11-16-2023 - 15:30

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