Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Intermodal/auto traffic disrupted...
Author: Major rail impacts
Date: 03-26-2024 - 09:02

Both CSX and NS will suffer major impacts from this tragedy as long as the Harbor is blocked, and it likely will be for several weeks.

Both railroads run multiple export coal trains per day, automobile traffic (Baltimore is a major vehicle port),and intermodal through various terminals around the Harbor. These are all effectively shut down for whatever time it takes to clear and reopen the shipping channel.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Morning news 03-26-2024 - 07:50
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Ernest H. Robl 03-26-2024 - 08:38
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Ernest H. Robl 03-26-2024 - 08:39
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Intermodal/auto traffic disrupted... BOB2 03-26-2024 - 08:56
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Intermodal/auto traffic disrupted... Major rail impacts 03-26-2024 - 09:02
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. John 03-26-2024 - 11:22
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Mike 03-26-2024 - 11:35
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. virgo 03-26-2024 - 12:26
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. Intermodal/auto traffic disrupted... FUD 03-26-2024 - 12:46
  Re: Bridge destroyed in Baltimore. FUD 03-26-2024 - 13:02
  Biden LMFAO 03-27-2024 - 08:40
  Re: Cue Card 46 Actual Link Title Above 03-27-2024 - 15:05
  Re: Cue Card 46 GMFAO 03-27-2024 - 16:51

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