Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks....
Author: BOB2
Date: 03-27-2024 - 19:54

The market is evil, ist's all smoke and mirrors, it must be part of the vast conspieracy and we are all being hoodwinked, right?


Yep, some successes and some failures, and some progress...

But the only "real" way to have clean trains must be from a gubmint "mandate" imposed by the California Air Resources Board for your favorite solution, regardless of the application or costs, right?

I love the consistency in portraying the vast hydrogen conspiracy, though...

Conspiracy theories promulgated by one advocate or interest group about the intentions or action of another groups motives or actions of another competitor is always an interesting form of projection. Folks who always beliebe that the folks they are competing with are stuping to the same lows that they are... Well, they probably are... But, i'll still let the science and markets decide, and definitely, over the bureaucrats at CARB...

Having done a fair amount of interactions with CARB in my career, I worry about both the environment and my wallet (costs and taxes) when they get this kind of lobbyining to mandate something as expensive as RR electrication, rather than setting a "market neutral"/"fuel neutral" emissions inventory standard, (like with did with heavy duty trucks) and let the science, competing technologies and economics decide which technologies or even combinations of "ZEV" technologies is most cost effective?

What are you afraid of with an approach like that? Not enough politically mandated "swag" for the guys who stand to benefit from "stringing the wires", who seem to be behind a lot of this effort?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo article 03-27-2024 - 07:18
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo FUD 03-27-2024 - 09:46
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo Clem 03-27-2024 - 18:54
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... BOB2 03-27-2024 - 19:54
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... Clem 03-27-2024 - 20:18
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... BOB2 03-27-2024 - 20:47
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... FUD 03-27-2024 - 21:10
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... Clem 03-27-2024 - 22:28
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... Scientist 03-28-2024 - 13:46
  Re: Hydrogen train completes 1700 mile test at Pueblo-LMAO-You can count on some folks.... Pinch hitting for BOB2 03-28-2024 - 20:38
  Troll removal in process ADMIN 03-28-2024 - 21:09
  Re: Troll removal in process Scientist 03-28-2024 - 23:38

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