Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail?
Author: Dr Zarkoff
Date: 06-09-2024 - 11:56

> Memory tells me it was 1967 when the USPS cancelled the mail by rail contracts.

These were only the open pouch RPOs. Closed pouch RPOs continued well into the ATK era.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? FUD 06-09-2024 - 08:54
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? Name 06-09-2024 - 10:34
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? Dr Zarkoff 06-09-2024 - 11:56
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? bgk6c 06-09-2024 - 16:18
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? Frank 06-09-2024 - 16:20
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? FUD 06-09-2024 - 19:46
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? John 06-10-2024 - 09:14
  Re: Why Does Your Mail *Not* Move By Rail? El gringo 06-10-2024 - 16:58
  Why is rail slow? flagman 06-10-2024 - 20:55
  Re: Why is rail slow? John 06-12-2024 - 09:00
  Re: Why is rail slow? flagman 06-12-2024 - 22:49

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