Re: Illegal alien truck driver killed an innocent person but faces only 1 year in prison in CO
Author: George Andrews
Date: 08-30-2024 - 20:45
Canada has very tough laws governing U.S. CDL ( Commercial Driver License ) drivers entering their country. A 10 year old DUI in the U.S. can be reason enough to deny entry, as is a Dead - Beat Dad ( not paying Alimony or child support ), and many other examples. Strangely enough, Canadian CDL drivers seem to believe that their CDL Hours of Service somehow reset at the U.S. border. A personal friend, now retired from Washington State Patrol, was called out one night to assist one of his troopers who had stopped a Canadian truck for 75MPH on Interstate 5 through Lakewood, a busy urban area just South of Tacoma, WA. It seems ALL FOUR " DRIVERS " in the truck ( itself a violation of seat-belt laws ) had the EXACT SAME CDL LICENSE ( name, address, birthdate ), WITH ONLY THE PICTURE BEING DRIVER SPECIFIC. When asked " What should I do ? ", the Sargent replied : " Arrest all four ."
There was quite a To - Do about 10 years ago at Puget Sound Ocean Container Ports, when the older trucks were no longer allowed access. ( I recall the rule was no more that 10 years old. ) Many Canadian truckers' rigs were P-O-S Bailing wire & band aid CRAP w/ no DEF, running Diesel # 1 all year as their rigs were leaking as much engine oil as they were burning. They were finally pulled off U.S. roads by WSP road-side inspectors at Sumas gateway.