NWP yard and balloon in Eureka being cleared
Author: Alf Doten
Date: 09-02-2024 - 09:51

According to an article in the Times-Standard the NWP yard and balloon track, owned by Security National Corporation, is being cleaned up and cleared. This included the former roundhouse and trainshed area which still has (had) the turntable. The fate of the four BUGX locos is unclear? THA has dibs on a single BN center beam, the last revenue car stuck on the north end? You can access the article on the times-standard website but you may run into a pay wall?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  NWP yard and balloon in Eureka being cleared Alf Doten 09-02-2024 - 09:51
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared Rusted Busted Jason D. 09-02-2024 - 11:01
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared The bell tolls 09-02-2024 - 11:24
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared Alf Doten 09-02-2024 - 11:58
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared AZebra 09-03-2024 - 18:37
  Re: NWP yard and was never a "balloon", in Eureka being cleared yardmaster 09-04-2024 - 06:47

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