Re: Lima Beans come from Lima? And you know where this one is coming from, too...
Author: BOB2
Date: 11-17-2024 - 23:40
Degreed Academic Who Knows It All Wrote:
> BOB2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The hypocrisy lies in giving back the emissions
> credit for removing this "source" from the
> "planet's" CO2 inventory, as though California is
> on a "different planet" than Peru?
> This whole climate change thing is a bunch of
> baloney. Explain to me how you plan to control
> the carbon emissions of volcanos and wild fires in
> Siberia, northern Canada and Brazil, many times
> started by lightning. All of these other
> conservation measures will be neutralized as we
> continue to pave over the planet, generating heat,
> to make room for living and working quarters for
> an ever-growing population. All of the acreage of
> land that's been transformed into holding solar
> panels, that are black, generates a lot of heat.
> Look at the amount of land that's been paved over
> or urbanized just in the last fifty years. And,
> while some areas of the planet have reduced their
> population growth rates, the people in the Muslim
> world, certain parts of Asia and sub-Saharan
> Africa are continuing to breed like rabbits. That
> will radically change the ethnic make-up of the
> world in a few generations. It already is. The
> Caucasian women are at the abortion clinics while
> the People of Color and Muslims are at the
> maternity wards.
> All the liberals need to find religion and leave
> it in the hands of God. Man can't manipulate the
> climate. Period. Plain and simple
Poor little thing, did I upset the troll again?
I don't think anyone is really surprised by this kind of post, given your loving and thoughtful history.
And I thought I heard somewhere that weather control was all part of the vast liberal conspiracy to steal the recent election by directing that Hurricane to hit North Carolina?
Can't you get us all the straight scoop on that?
After all, you have been anointed as God's personal messenger to a train chat board, right?
It's based on all of the love that's in your heart, right?