Re: The usual "confirmation" of the usual scary "fiery" dangers of "evil" hydrogen.... LMAO...
Author: BOB2
Date: 12-01-2024 - 06:51

Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains continue to derail
Author: Clem
Date: 11-30-2024 - 17:58

It’s a nice article, and it brings receipts (links to news stories). By the way, my sleepy little county bus agency is the one that placed the record-breaking order of hydrogen busses. Around here we’re so stupendously rich that we can afford to set transit funding on fire!

Setting transit funding on fire? Ooooh, very scary dangerous dirty hydrogen will burn...

Oh, the humanity...

Around here, in California, we're so rich, that CARB can afford to give away other people's money, taken almost totally from consumers and taxpayers' pockets, to mandate spending $20 or $30 million per mile to wire up things like Pasadena Sub and the Arrow for almost no significant total quantifiable benefit, when compared to other more cost-effective emissions reductions investments.

That's rich all right...

LMAO.. You're a funny guy...

That recently released National Academy of Sciences study on the emissions benefits of removing auto and air travel with short, mid, and even long-distance rail passenger alternatives, which showed up a 3 to 1 reduction per trip.

The bad news for you folks who are big electrification spenders is that it showed almost no significant difference per trip in those emission reduction totals, from the observed data between electrified or diesel operated services.

Which, effectively showed, that if we, as taxpayers and/or investors, have ten dollars to spend on new rail passenger services, versus spending that same ten dollars on electrifying existing passenger services, it gives us 3 times the emissions reductions to operate more diesel rail passenger service and remove those trips from air and auto.

The very high fully allocated electrification costs and the embedded carbon costs from installing it, make so little difference in total emissions reduced per new rail passenger, that it kind of blows a pretty giant economic hole in CARB's electrification "cost/benefit arguments for rail electrification.

Of course, I'm innocently assuming that CARB working for the "public" benefit, is not imposing a rule that is not based much on the science, cost benefits, or when compared to other emissions reduction alternatives that would be more cost effective (cheaper for all of you taxpayers and consumers paying the ultimate bill).

And, of course, I'd also have to be assuming that this electrification mandate is not just a completely arbitrary and capricious legal overextension of CARB's authority, for a purely politically lobbied RR electrification mandate, that we're imposing on consumers, stockholders, taxpayers, and travelers to pay for, out of misplaced environmental guilt and dubious political correctness, to benefit those paying for all of the lobbying to impose such a mandate...

Remember the Hindenburg! And be very scared of the "dangerous" "dirty" "explosive" "combustible" "evil" hydrogen powered mobility alternatives, right?


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains continue to derail FUD 11-27-2024 - 06:37
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains continue to derail Anonymoose 11-27-2024 - 07:26
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains? Or, maybe it might just some catfish on the menu? BOB2 11-27-2024 - 08:37
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains? Or, maybe it might just some catfish on the menu? Real (?) FUD 11-27-2024 - 13:03
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains? Or, maybe it might just some catfish on the menu? LongLiveSP 11-28-2024 - 08:55
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains? Or, maybe it might just some catfish on the menu? BOB2 11-28-2024 - 15:00
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains? Or, maybe it might just some catfish on the menu? * 11-28-2024 - 22:17
  Re: BOB2 theme confirmation: H2 trains continue to derail Clem 11-30-2024 - 17:58
  Re: The usual "confirmation" of the usual scary "fiery" dangers of "evil" hydrogen.... LMAO... BOB2 12-01-2024 - 06:51

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