Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies
Author: AdamSmith9000
Date: 12-24-2024 - 20:00

Carol Doda Wrote:
> Calif politicians would rather spend money on
> queers and homeless.

Ouch. Bit over the top.

I love standard, normal speed rail. But with HSR, the cost is so high and for what gain? Why do we need it exactly?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies contra 12-24-2024 - 10:24
  Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies Anonymoose 12-24-2024 - 11:37
  LOL Commie says wut? Sebastian 12-24-2024 - 18:33
  How lazy can you be Anonymoose 12-24-2024 - 23:50
  Come again Anonymoose 12-24-2024 - 23:59
  Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies Kill it now 12-24-2024 - 19:15
  Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies Carol Doda 12-24-2024 - 19:24
  Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies AdamSmith9000 12-24-2024 - 20:00
  Facts are a b!t*h Anonymoose 12-24-2024 - 23:55
  .... Anonymoose 12-25-2024 - 00:00
  Re: .... Bottom 1%er 12-27-2024 - 21:16
  Get a grip buddy Anonymoose 12-28-2024 - 12:12
  Bibimbap anybody? Anonymoose 12-25-2024 - 00:49
  Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies Tax man cometh 12-25-2024 - 05:42
  Re: High Speed rail is what countries do right before economic growth dies Anonymoose 12-25-2024 - 05:57

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