Facts are a b!t*h
Author: Anonymoose
Date: 12-24-2024 - 23:55
"refuses to spend a single penny."
This isn't true. Microsoft has put a large percent of the initial funds for studies
thus far. They are one of its primary supporters.
Kill it now Wrote:
> contra Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Japan? Maybe not Japan. They boomed in the
> 1980s, then feel into prolonged
> > stagnation.
> If HSR was such an economic boon and powerhouse,
> those who support it the strongest would have zero
> hesitation putting their own money into it as an
> investment.
> The fact that NOT ONE HSR SUPPORTER worldwide has
> done so, speaks VOLUMES. Look at the Pacific
> Northwest "Cascadia Rail" bulls--- - the fact that
> Microsoft could literally pay for HSR with CASH in
> its bank accounts (leaving its billions and
> billions of illiquid assets untouched), but
> refuses to spend a single penny... The fact
> Amazon, Boeing, Intel, Nike...not ONE large
> Pacific Northwest corporation will spend a penny
> on it, and in fact they all want massive tax cuts.