Get a grip buddy
Author: Anonymoose
Date: 12-28-2024 - 12:12
Dude, your quote was "but refuses to spend a single penny... " and now you want
to move the goal post, what a dufus.
75% of expenses paid by the private sector thus far is a far cry from your fictional
amount and more than most systems.
Please go back to your nasty habits, cartels need some cash.
Bottom 1%er Wrote:
> Anonymoose Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Microsoft and other private investors have
> > contributed $150 million to the project.
> Fine. Microsoft has contributed an amount of
> funds equivalent to building ONE MILE of High
> Speed Rail track between Vancouver and Eugene.
> I wonder if you'd be willing to pay $250 for a
> Microsoft Windows license that only contains 1% of
> the code necessary for a functional operating
> system. Or maybe purchase Microsoft Office, but
> it can only type 1/3rd of the alphabet, in upper
> case letters only, with no formatting
> functionality or font functionality, but you still
> pay the full sticker price for it.
> Call me when Microsoft has put $20 billion to the
> project, enough for a minimally operating segment
> between two of the major cities.