Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous
Author: baked dan kicked LongLive's butt
Date: 12-29-2024 - 13:00

How does LongLiveDeval keep getting away with breaking all the TO rules?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  All aboard: High-speed rail aims to win over reluctant Republicans Commenter 12-28-2024 - 14:14
  Simple. Stop spend excessive amounts of money on consultants (That is you CA HSR) Kraut 12-28-2024 - 15:25
  Stop spending..... Stop spending..... 12-28-2024 - 15:26
  Spend The Money More Wisely D. B. Arthur 12-28-2024 - 16:00
  Re: Spend The Money More Wisely FUD 12-29-2024 - 08:47
  Re: All aboard: High-speed rail aims to win over reluctant Republicans Politics 12-28-2024 - 22:11
  dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous STFU FartHouse and Liarwanna 12-28-2024 - 23:13
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous baked dan kicked LongLive's butt 12-29-2024 - 13:00
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous Hilarious 12-29-2024 - 14:09
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous Bon Mot 12-29-2024 - 20:18
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous Bill Tell 12-29-2024 - 19:16

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