Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous
Author: Bill Tell
Date: 12-29-2024 - 19:16

baked dan kicked LongLive's butt Wrote:
> How does LongLiveDeval keep getting away with
> breaking all the TO rules?

Makes me wonder if toad is going to pull the plug on TO. If dan quits that will be what, a half dozen contributors that quit after being attacked by LongLiveSP? Content is already thinning but he gets to keep on running people off. Why let one person ruin all you built over decades? Did someone say that they are old buddies?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  All aboard: High-speed rail aims to win over reluctant Republicans Commenter 12-28-2024 - 14:14
  Simple. Stop spend excessive amounts of money on consultants (That is you CA HSR) Kraut 12-28-2024 - 15:25
  Stop spending..... Stop spending..... 12-28-2024 - 15:26
  Spend The Money More Wisely D. B. Arthur 12-28-2024 - 16:00
  Re: Spend The Money More Wisely FUD 12-29-2024 - 08:47
  Re: All aboard: High-speed rail aims to win over reluctant Republicans Politics 12-28-2024 - 22:11
  dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous STFU FartHouse and Liarwanna 12-28-2024 - 23:13
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous baked dan kicked LongLive's butt 12-29-2024 - 13:00
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous Hilarious 12-29-2024 - 14:09
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous Bon Mot 12-29-2024 - 20:18
  Re: dan & lance fight. so of course LongLiveAHole has to make it about himself. the fights & callouts are humorous Bill Tell 12-29-2024 - 19:16

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