Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons?
Author: Do not ask to move the camera
Date: 12-29-2024 - 09:43
Common sense decision making is a major challenge for many holding the controls.
1. It is a foggy morning and you can't see the movable bridge. Do you:
a. Stay within the area you can still see the trains.
b. Continue the sunny day strategy of filling the screen with the lead engine nose and following it to the far end where the fog hides everything. Then park it there.
2. 20 minutes later you hear another train going by but of course can't see it. Fed up chatters are asking if we are ever going to watch trains again. Do you:
a. Apologize and move it to see the trains where it is not foggy.
b. Swing to the other far end where we might make out a few pixels of the last half of the train in the blur of the distant fog. Because nobody tells the controller what to do. They must be punished and I have my routine! Ban chatters. Then complain and wonder why someone set up a competing fixed camera down the street.
3. Chatters repeatedly alert that a train is coming. Do you:
a. Listen and move the view back to the tracks.
b. Continue to scan the waters or look for deer or count leaves or spin it around to count hotel bricks. Later move to the train but just show the roofs of double stacks. I am an artist! Ban more chatters. Park camera there and go annoy another location.