Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons?
Author: K5XM
Date: 01-13-2025 - 10:06

Yes, it's ABS/TWC territory. I haven't been there in a few months, but the last time I didn't hear any being issued over the radio, only the clearings were heard. I suspect they are receiving them over the PTC. I'll be down that way soon to visit family and perhaps I'll learn more.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? Do not ask to move the camera 12-29-2024 - 09:43
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? Jack Spratt 12-29-2024 - 11:15
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? CORPPUS COVE 12-30-2024 - 08:20
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? K5XM 12-31-2024 - 06:53
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? Southern Paciific 01-05-2025 - 04:34
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? K5XM 01-13-2025 - 10:06
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? <> 12-29-2024 - 11:54
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? PTZ putz 12-29-2024 - 14:28
  Nightbot gets on my nerves <> 12-29-2024 - 15:00
  Re: Nightbot gets on my nerves USAF*** 12-29-2024 - 15:07

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