Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons?
Author: <>
Date: 12-29-2024 - 11:54

A more important question is when are the caretakers and maintainers of these movable cameras going to waterproof them?
Everytime there is heavy rain the microphones go under water
Doesn't that damage them?
Seams to me they should be better protected against the elements

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? Do not ask to move the camera 12-29-2024 - 09:43
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? Jack Spratt 12-29-2024 - 11:15
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? CORPPUS COVE 12-30-2024 - 08:20
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? K5XM 12-31-2024 - 06:53
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? Southern Paciific 01-05-2025 - 04:34
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? K5XM 01-13-2025 - 10:06
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? <> 12-29-2024 - 11:54
  Re: Are train camera movers like grocery baggers, positions half filled with challenged persons? PTZ putz 12-29-2024 - 14:28
  Nightbot gets on my nerves <> 12-29-2024 - 15:00
  Re: Nightbot gets on my nerves USAF*** 12-29-2024 - 15:07

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