Re: With a response like that, or lack thereof, just goes to show you have no clue
Author: TOMN2
Date: 01-27-2025 - 17:40

Au contraire, mon Boche ami, I know. Here's a clue: start here: google US Constitution, then start reading. The process is explicitly spelled out, or are your fingers too short?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail Commenter 01-27-2025 - 13:30
  Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution? Kraut 01-27-2025 - 14:09
  Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution? TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 16:33
  Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution? ProfessionalAmtrak 01-27-2025 - 16:37
  Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying ? Fang 01-27-2025 - 18:20
  Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution? Commuter 01-28-2025 - 14:09
  With a response like that, or lack thereof, just goes to show you have no clue Kraut 01-27-2025 - 17:11
  Re: With a response like that, or lack thereof, just goes to show you have no clue TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 17:40
  Thanks for proving my point without providing any examples yourself. Kraut 01-27-2025 - 17:57
  Re: Thanks for proving my point without providing any examples yourself. TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 18:06
  For the lame at heart Born 2b free 01-27-2025 - 16:36
  Time for you to educate yourself (if you can) on the executive order and the Wong Kim Ark case, instead of regurgitating the lamestream media. Kraut 01-27-2025 - 17:21
  Re: Time for you to educate yourself (if you can) on the executive order and the Wong Kim Ark case, instead of regurgitating the lamestream media. TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 18:00
  And yet, those two exclusions have yet to be adjudicated, contrary to your opinion (or should I say a copy and paste). They eventually will by the Supreme Court Kraut 01-27-2025 - 18:08
  Re: And yet, those two exclusions have yet to be adjudicated, contrary to your opinion (or should I say a copy and paste). They eventually will by the Supreme Court TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 19:24
  Specifics of How President Trump is trying to amend the constitution Commenter 01-27-2025 - 16:46
  Oh look, more opinion pieces from the far left having a hissy fit. Kraut 01-27-2025 - 17:29
  Re: Oh look, more opinion pieces from the far left having a hissy fit. TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 18:04
  Boy, you are going to have a tough four years ahead of you. Kraut 01-27-2025 - 18:12
  You asked for specifics. I gave them. Your only reply was insults. Commenter 01-27-2025 - 19:15
  Re: Boy, you are going to have a tough four years ahead of you. TOMN2 01-27-2025 - 19:20
  Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail Once you take away the hyperbole... 01-27-2025 - 19:20
  Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail FUD 01-27-2025 - 21:16
  Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to. BOB2- 01-28-2025 - 07:29
  Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to. Ref 01-28-2025 - 16:55
  Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to. BOB2- 01-29-2025 - 00:58

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