Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to.
Author: BOB2-
Date: 01-28-2025 - 07:29
FUD Wrote:
> To be pedantic, Congress (also the President if
> you accept his claim that he can simply withhold
> funds already approved by Congress - that's the
> constitutional question) can, with majority votes
> in both Houses, block new funding for CAHSR. "Claw
> back" of funds already-appropriated and obligated
> is also possible, but more difficult.
> If CA wants to keep building HSR, using
> non-federal funds, it can, regardless of Trumen
> bluster. Obviously, it's unlikely that things will
> be completed, even on just the Valley segment, in
> any reasonable timeframe with state-only funds.
This Republican Assemblyman just wants some free and easy attention, not a solution.
My opinion of the state of the CAHSRA fiasco has always been that changing the legislation could remove many of the incentives for waste, gold plating, and bloat. Changing the planning and project performance and selection criteria to require cost benefit analysis and value engineering could have saved billions of dollars that have been wasted on the first phase from Wasco to Chowchilla. That is now "water under the bridge", and the present boondoggle is too late to fix.
The fact is that 1/3 of the CA legislature would vote for such reforms tomorrow. But the other two thirds are against reform. One third are most of the Republicans who would rather have the issue than reforms, and the other third are Democrats like those in the Scott Wiener circle, who are the campaign beneficiaries of the contractors and construction unions who feed at the taxpayer slopped CAHSRA hog trough.
I expect no more Federal taxpayer money from the current Congress for the runaway money train, and I see almost no possibility of any further bond measures passing in CA, given the disastrous mismanagement of the CAHSRA fiasco.
The "Plan B", to hook it up to ACE and the SJ's is being quietly implemented, which is why there is no funding proposed for the Pacheco fiasco.
The issue of Presidents' "impounding" money obligated through Congressional appropriations is supposedly established "case law", but this "rule of law" theory seems to be a bit of a "work in progress" these days.
So, will existing signed full funding agreements and Congressional appropriations be "taken back" by proclamations issued from the "leader"?
As the Zen Master likes to say: "We'll see?"
Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail
Commenter |
01-27-2025 - 13:30 |
Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution?
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 14:09 |
Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution?
01-27-2025 - 16:33 |
Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution?
ProfessionalAmtrak |
01-27-2025 - 16:37 |
Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying ?
Fang |
01-27-2025 - 18:20 |
Re: Enlighten everyone. How is President Trump trying to amend the constitution?
Commuter |
01-28-2025 - 14:09 |
With a response like that, or lack thereof, just goes to show you have no clue
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 17:11 |
Re: With a response like that, or lack thereof, just goes to show you have no clue
01-27-2025 - 17:40 |
Thanks for proving my point without providing any examples yourself.
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 17:57 |
Re: Thanks for proving my point without providing any examples yourself.
01-27-2025 - 18:06 |
For the lame at heart
Born 2b free |
01-27-2025 - 16:36 |
Time for you to educate yourself (if you can) on the executive order and the Wong Kim Ark case, instead of regurgitating the lamestream media.
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 17:21 |
Re: Time for you to educate yourself (if you can) on the executive order and the Wong Kim Ark case, instead of regurgitating the lamestream media.
01-27-2025 - 18:00 |
And yet, those two exclusions have yet to be adjudicated, contrary to your opinion (or should I say a copy and paste). They eventually will by the Supreme Court
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 18:08 |
Re: And yet, those two exclusions have yet to be adjudicated, contrary to your opinion (or should I say a copy and paste). They eventually will by the Supreme Court
01-27-2025 - 19:24 |
Specifics of How President Trump is trying to amend the constitution
Commenter |
01-27-2025 - 16:46 |
Oh look, more opinion pieces from the far left having a hissy fit.
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 17:29 |
Re: Oh look, more opinion pieces from the far left having a hissy fit.
01-27-2025 - 18:04 |
Boy, you are going to have a tough four years ahead of you.
Kraut |
01-27-2025 - 18:12 |
You asked for specifics. I gave them. Your only reply was insults.
Commenter |
01-27-2025 - 19:15 |
Re: Boy, you are going to have a tough four years ahead of you.
01-27-2025 - 19:20 |
Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail
Once you take away the hyperbole... |
01-27-2025 - 19:20 |
Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail
01-27-2025 - 21:16 |
Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to. |
BOB2- |
01-28-2025 - 07:29 |
Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to.
Ref |
01-28-2025 - 16:55 |
Re: Republican Assemblymembers Attack High Speed Rail? Nah, just some free headlines for a politician-the legislature could fix this, but doesn't want to.
BOB2- |
01-29-2025 - 00:58 |