More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video...
Author: BOB2-
Date: 01-30-2025 - 11:08

This is an interesting video, on the line that was mentioned in some earlier posts.

An interest Rail in Rhode Island video.

There is lots of the usual idealistic dreams, wishes, and visions, and it is pushing this petition to reconnect the line. It is a line with a lot of costly issues to deal with, but is honest about that, but not necessarily the costs. I've seen what seemed at the time, similar improbable restorations to passenger service, like the Baldwin Park Branch use by Metrolink. So, "we'll see"...

Fully allocated "cost per seat mile" and sufficient "butt miles to fill those seat miles", are favoring things like the MBTA expansions, when compared to marginal "cost per seat mile" of providing fully allocated marginal cost freeway and interstate trip capacity expansions. It's one of the best ways to do true intermodal corridor alternatives analysis between competing modes, and to choose the lowest cost/highest ridership tradeoffs between among the specific modal alternatives, as well. This helps to make a serious "business case" for truly cost competitive rail passenger projects, that is far less dependent on idealistic beliefs to sway taxpayers and/or investors.

Idealistic dreams aside, there is some nice video and an overview of the happenings in and around this line.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... BOB2- 01-30-2025 - 11:08
  Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... D. B. Arthur 01-30-2025 - 23:13
  Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... FUD 02-01-2025 - 09:20
  Re: Cost per ton miles is not the same as cost per "seat miles". Ton miles are a function of "output" of how many tons are moved, BOB2- 02-01-2025 - 10:38

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