Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video...
Author: D. B. Arthur
Date: 01-30-2025 - 23:13

Distance-wise, it's not all that far from Fall River to Newport. To restore service, the biggest expense would involve a necessary new bridge over the Sakonnet River. There might also be problems with NIMBYs living along the dormant track who have become used to the absence of trains. Things might get more complicated since two states would be involved rather than just one. Also, a Newport-Providence rail route would be a little circuitous. Still and all, it would be nice if service could be restored to Newport. Maybe it will happen.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... BOB2- 01-30-2025 - 11:08
  Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... D. B. Arthur 01-30-2025 - 23:13
  Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... FUD 02-01-2025 - 09:20
  Re: Cost per ton miles is not the same as cost per "seat miles". Ton miles are a function of "output" of how many tons are moved, BOB2- 02-01-2025 - 10:38

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