Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video...
Author: FUD
Date: 02-01-2025 - 09:20

Good points. ISTR Kneiling rambling frequently (in his columns in Trains) about 'sold ton-miles' and the cost of generating same being the only truly useful statistics. Just 'ton-miles' (equivalent to seat-miles) is easily done by running around empty, but doesn't necessarily produce revenue. Then again, capacity in raw ton- or seat-miles is necessary to do the job, and generates the cost.

Wall Street dotes on the operating ratio for railroads. Maybe somebody needs to calculate the operating ratio for freeways?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... BOB2- 01-30-2025 - 11:08
  Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... D. B. Arthur 01-30-2025 - 23:13
  Re: More on that tourist line in Rhode Island.... Idealistic dreams, and some good train video... FUD 02-01-2025 - 09:20
  Re: Cost per ton miles is not the same as cost per "seat miles". Ton miles are a function of "output" of how many tons are moved, BOB2- 02-01-2025 - 10:38

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