Author: Jim Fitzgerald
Date: 04-10-2010 - 19:04

I have been trying to remember the developer that I used back in the '50s, besides Kodak products like Dektol. It came in a square bottle, and I think "33" was part of the brand name but not sure. The company that marketed it also marketed bottled fixer. This has been driving my memory nuts for years. Did any of you guys use such a product?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Steve Sloan 04-10-2010 - 08:28
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 larry 04-10-2010 - 09:51
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Steve Sloan 04-10-2010 - 10:07
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Steve Sloan 04-10-2010 - 10:13
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 larry 04-10-2010 - 10:57
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 George Andrews 04-12-2010 - 14:22
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Average Joe 04-10-2010 - 11:31
  Film WAF 04-10-2010 - 11:52
  Re: Film Steve Sloan 04-10-2010 - 14:08
  Re: Film WAF 04-10-2010 - 14:15
  Re: Film Juppo 04-10-2010 - 17:56
  Re:Developer Jim Fitzgerald 04-10-2010 - 19:04
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 hepkema 04-10-2010 - 12:07
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Steve Sloan 04-10-2010 - 14:13
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Peter D. 04-18-2010 - 00:35
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Jeff A. 04-10-2010 - 19:42
  Re: UP Nampa Idaho in 1973 Dilbert 04-10-2010 - 21:37

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