We Don’t Need No Stinking Permits
Author: What Permit
Date: 12-13-2011 - 18:06

Too bad the Swanton Pacific Railroad is not a real railroad. When the Santa Cruz Branch Line washed out in Aptos last spring the common carrier just filled the washout in with 200 truckloads of soil and moved on.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Swanton Pacific Railroad Pete McFall 12-12-2011 - 14:02
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad M. Harris 12-12-2011 - 19:18
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Weary Citizen 12-12-2011 - 22:47
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad John Birch 12-13-2011 - 06:14
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Espee99 12-13-2011 - 09:06
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Pete McFall 12-13-2011 - 12:18
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Tie Plate 12-14-2011 - 11:32
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Juppo 12-13-2011 - 09:45
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Mike Swanson 12-13-2011 - 21:57
  We Don’t Need No Stinking Permits What Permit 12-13-2011 - 18:06
  Re: Swanton Pacific Railroad Tony Maciejowski 12-16-2011 - 17:50

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