Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner
Author: OPRRMS
Date: 02-01-2012 - 13:05

WAF Wrote:
> Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > With So much power on the train, why did they
> need
> > a helper? Was
> > there some disabled Locos?
> Protection against one or more Fs failing on the
> mountain

And just to add to what WAF said, the SD45 isn't actually a helper. It was added in M.U. to the F unit consist. It was not uncommon to add a freight unit (or sometimes two freight units) at Roseville on the eastbound trip, and before departing Sparks on the westbound trip, particularly when Oakland had been unable to assign six F units to the train. On the westbound trip, the freight unit(s) stayed with the train all the way to Oakland. Another not uncommon problem was one or more steam generators failing enroute.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner Drew Jacksich 01-26-2012 - 15:55
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner George Andrews 01-26-2012 - 20:17
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner Peter D. 01-27-2012 - 11:33
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner Carol L. Voss 01-27-2012 - 19:27
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner Drew Jacksich 01-27-2012 - 20:31
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner Carol L. Voss 01-27-2012 - 20:44
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner Tie Plate 01-27-2012 - 22:03
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner OTN 01-28-2012 - 10:23
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner WAF 01-28-2012 - 11:24
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner 02-01-2012 - 01:15
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner WAF 02-01-2012 - 07:15
  Re: Forty years ago at Switch 9 on Donner OPRRMS 02-01-2012 - 13:05

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