Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley
Author: Carol L. Voss
Date: 05-25-2012 - 19:57

Yep, when I was working at Santa Teresa Hospital and lived in Evergreen, I made a test run and it took 1 hour and 45 minutes to go from my house to the Eastridge center to the light rail etc. to Santa Teresa. In reverse commute by car, it took me 17 minutes if the lights worked for me or 19 minutes if they didn't.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Craig Tambo 05-22-2012 - 22:55
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot P. Kepler 05-23-2012 - 08:37
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Drew Jacksich 05-23-2012 - 09:12
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Carol L. Voss 05-23-2012 - 11:24
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Drew Jacksich 05-23-2012 - 11:37
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot DCA 05-23-2012 - 19:07
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot DCMcGill 05-24-2012 - 10:22
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley Carol L. Voss 05-24-2012 - 10:46
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley Tie Plate 05-25-2012 - 18:18
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley Carol L. Voss 05-25-2012 - 19:57
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley mook 05-26-2012 - 10:17
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley P. Kepler 05-26-2012 - 13:52
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot--and Diridon's trolley R Ruiz 05-26-2012 - 15:34
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot mook 05-23-2012 - 12:48
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot P. Kepler 05-24-2012 - 08:42
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Hutch 7.62 05-25-2012 - 20:25
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Craig Tambo 05-25-2012 - 22:55
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Graham Buxton 05-26-2012 - 04:59
  Re: Ex-San Jose LRVs at Sac depot Drew Jacksich 05-26-2012 - 08:36

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