Re: POTB Question
Author: Rasputin
Date: 09-04-2012 - 21:39

Brush has been cleared up to Baterson so that the railroad can load ballast cars at the quarry there. It is possible some limited clearing has been done past Baterson. I can check on this when we run speeders up to Baterson on the 13th of October.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  POTB Question Throttle Hogg 09-04-2012 - 13:19
  Re: POTB Question John 09-04-2012 - 15:03
  Re: POTB Question Northern Snowman 09-04-2012 - 15:24
  Re: POTB Question John 09-04-2012 - 15:57
  Re: POTB Question Jeff Moore 09-04-2012 - 17:53
  Re: POTB Question Rasputin 09-04-2012 - 21:39
  New POTB Question, sort of........ Alfred Doten 09-05-2012 - 00:20
  Re: New POTB Question, sort of........ Tom Moungovan 09-05-2012 - 06:48
  Re: New POTB Question, sort of........ Rich Hunn 09-05-2012 - 08:21
  Re: New POTB Question, sort of........ Alfred Doten 09-05-2012 - 08:57
  Re: New POTB Question, sort of........ Tony Johnson 09-05-2012 - 09:29
  Re: New POTB Question, sort of........ Alfred Doten 09-05-2012 - 09:52
  Re: New POTB Question, sort of........ In OR 09-05-2012 - 17:28
  Re: POTB Question OCSR 09-05-2012 - 21:09
  Re: POTB Question Tom McCann 09-05-2012 - 22:30
  Re: POTB Question Dewy 09-07-2012 - 00:22
  Re: POTB Question Rasputin 09-08-2012 - 13:55
  Re: POTB Question Dewy 09-09-2012 - 00:18

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