Re: Wallowa Union RR News
Author: Shortline Sammie
Date: 12-22-2012 - 20:03

Chuck in Wallowa County Wrote:
> The RDCs are still on the WURR in Elgin. They
> apparently have serious condition issues and may
> not be operable at all in their current shape. I
> was in Elgin today, and all the WURR rolling stock
> except the Hi-Railer is in Elgin. So is Court's
> caboose. The Hi-Railer is parked at Minam. Court's
> caboose is blocked on the siding next to the
> concrete building by a WURR Geep, so it will be
> interesting to see if he gets is back without
> repaying WURA for the string of Court's local
> debts on which the agency made good.

That's a shame that the RDC's were allowed to get into such a state of disrepair...remember doing some work programming the radios when they were on the Astoria Line and they were top shelf.

Glad to see they have Court's caboose held "hostage" by a locomotive. It's hard enough to be in the shortline business without folks like this muddying the water.

Dick Samuels

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Wallala Union RR News Bill K. 12-21-2012 - 13:35
  Re: Wallala Union RR News Chuck in Wallowa County 12-21-2012 - 15:09
  Re: Wallala Union RR News Bill K. 12-21-2012 - 16:23
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Graham Buxton 12-21-2012 - 16:04
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Tony Johnson 12-21-2012 - 17:36
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Drew Jacksich 12-21-2012 - 17:53
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Chuck in Wallowa County 12-22-2012 - 14:41
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Drew Jacksich 12-22-2012 - 15:40
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Arlen Sheldrake 12-21-2012 - 18:18
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Kenn 12-22-2012 - 14:04
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Chuck in Wallowa County 12-22-2012 - 14:35
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Shortline Sammie 12-22-2012 - 20:03
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Northener 12-23-2012 - 10:07
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News RDC 12-23-2012 - 10:57
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Arlen Sheldrake 12-23-2012 - 20:43
  Re: Wallowa Union RDCs Bluesman 12-28-2012 - 17:30
  Re: Wallowa Union RDCs Casual Observer 01-02-2013 - 16:26
  Re: Wallowa Union RDCs Marcos 05-12-2013 - 16:14
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Casual Observer 12-22-2012 - 17:39

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