Re: Wallowa Union RDCs
Author: Casual Observer
Date: 01-02-2013 - 16:26

Let's hope that the "seasoned shortline operator" is not Court Hammond. Hasn't Wallowa-Union taken enough beating this year at the hands of Hammond? And, if Wallowa-Union does decide to sell them, they need to get cash up front before the equipment leaves. Once the equipment departs, getting paid always seems to be a problem.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Wallala Union RR News Bill K. 12-21-2012 - 13:35
  Re: Wallala Union RR News Chuck in Wallowa County 12-21-2012 - 15:09
  Re: Wallala Union RR News Bill K. 12-21-2012 - 16:23
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Graham Buxton 12-21-2012 - 16:04
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Tony Johnson 12-21-2012 - 17:36
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Drew Jacksich 12-21-2012 - 17:53
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Chuck in Wallowa County 12-22-2012 - 14:41
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Drew Jacksich 12-22-2012 - 15:40
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Arlen Sheldrake 12-21-2012 - 18:18
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Kenn 12-22-2012 - 14:04
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Chuck in Wallowa County 12-22-2012 - 14:35
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Shortline Sammie 12-22-2012 - 20:03
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Northener 12-23-2012 - 10:07
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News RDC 12-23-2012 - 10:57
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Arlen Sheldrake 12-23-2012 - 20:43
  Re: Wallowa Union RDCs Bluesman 12-28-2012 - 17:30
  Re: Wallowa Union RDCs Casual Observer 01-02-2013 - 16:26
  Re: Wallowa Union RDCs Marcos 05-12-2013 - 16:14
  Re: Wallowa Union RR News Casual Observer 12-22-2012 - 17:39

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