Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer
Author: Plumas
Date: 04-28-2013 - 14:05

Well I've done quite a lot of track work volunteering with some of those museums but in fear of being labeled a 'foamer' I haven't mentioned any of that experience in my applications. Would you blame me? Is that still an issue?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Looking for RR MoW work this summer Plumas 04-28-2013 - 00:29
  Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer OERX 04-28-2013 - 11:04
  Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer Kyle 04-28-2013 - 12:49
  Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer Plumas 04-28-2013 - 14:05
  Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer wcrg 04-28-2013 - 14:17
  Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer Cda301 04-29-2013 - 08:36
  Re: Looking for RR MoW work this summer LRY 05-03-2013 - 07:13

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