Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment
Author: douglasm
Date: 12-19-2007 - 09:20

I don't know a lot about wheat, but this morning Central Washington Grain Growers was posting a price of $12.45 for soft white wheat at "U.S. 2 Rail", which I would assume would be FOB Coulee City.....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due Bruce Kelly 12-18-2007 - 07:19
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due hepkema 12-18-2007 - 11:09
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due Bruce Kelly 12-18-2007 - 12:06
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due Dave Smith 12-18-2007 - 17:09
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment Ross Hall 12-18-2007 - 17:13
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment Al Palldino 12-19-2007 - 06:40
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment douglasm 12-19-2007 - 09:20
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment Bruce Kelly 12-19-2007 - 09:51
  Wheat Farmers --Hey Bruce Kelly SDP45 12-20-2007 - 15:23
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment hepkema 12-19-2007 - 10:53
  Re: Wheat Farmers Finally Get Their Due EWG derailment Dave Smith 12-19-2007 - 17:08
  RE: EWG derailment. Motive Power?? Taco Time 12-20-2007 - 17:42
  Re: RE: EWG derailment. Motive Power?? hepkema 12-20-2007 - 22:46
  Re: RE: EWG derailment. Motive Power?? Rob Harper 12-21-2007 - 08:49
  Re: RE: EWG derailment. SDP45's Answer Bruce Kelly 12-26-2007 - 05:49

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