Re: Miller Lite vs. Guinness Stout
Author: P. Kepler
Date: 01-03-2014 - 08:36

Sounds like a good argument to build the refinery near the wells and ship it refined. At least The railroads know how to ship gasoline and diesel with their particular hazards.

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  Re: Miller Lite vs. Guinness Stout P. Kepler 01-03-2014 - 08:36
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  Re: SP Oil Tanks Special was the most dangerous Ed Workman 01-04-2014 - 08:19
  Re: SP Oil Tanks Special was the most dangerous WAF 01-04-2014 - 12:39
  Re: Miller Lite vs. Guinness Stout Scott Schiechl 01-06-2014 - 14:11

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