Re: Railway Age article on BNSF Lakeside Sub (Spokane-Pasco WA)
Author: Dan Olah (aka "1oldgoat"
Date: 05-28-2014 - 08:29

This is my first visit to your site. I'm impressed.

As a retired BN(SF)employee (Seattle's Interbay Roundhose), I might be able to shine some light as to why the SP&S was torn up and why it'll probably never see another train. When we learned of the decision to lift the SP&S between Pasco and Spokane, there were two mutually inclusive reasons. One: Then CEO Richard Bressler couldn't sell or rip up tracks fast enough (this is when the Wash Central and MRL came into being). Two: The number of trestles and rock slide sites made the SP&S line expensive to maintain.

I'm heading out to the Lakeside Sub weekend after next(June 6-8). Does anyone know what new siding or extentions of 2MT has been installed and places into service?


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Railway Age article on BNSF Lakeside Sub (Spokane-Pasco WA) Graham Buxton 05-08-2014 - 16:22
  Re: Railway Age article on BNSF Lakeside Sub (Spokane-Pasco WA) PNWRailfan 05-08-2014 - 19:10
  Re: Railway Age article on BNSF Lakeside Sub (Spokane-Pasco WA) Armchair Railroader 05-08-2014 - 19:31
  Re: Railway Age article on BNSF Lakeside Sub (Spokane-Pasco WA) Dan Olah (aka "1oldgoat" 05-28-2014 - 08:29
  Re: Railway Age article on BNSF Lakeside Sub (Spokane-Pasco WA) Bruce Kelly 05-09-2014 - 06:51

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