Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor
Author: George Andrews
Date: 09-04-2014 - 21:17

Why does History Repeat Itself ??? Because no one listens the first time.
I suspect that Jerry Brown & the State of California will find out the hard way, just like my current hometown of Auburn, WA. did 15 years ago, that Railroads are a Federal Issue, with regards to regulation.
Of course, the voters of California have seen fit to elect Moonbeam Brown their Governor twice, some twenty years apart.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor mook 09-04-2014 - 09:11
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor Gota Love Moonbeam 09-04-2014 - 10:59
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor Ostrum 09-04-2014 - 16:30
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor Gota Love Moonbeam 09-04-2014 - 17:32
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor brains 09-04-2014 - 17:50
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor memorex 09-04-2014 - 20:00
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor OldPoleBurner 09-04-2014 - 17:37
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor synonymouse 09-04-2014 - 18:41
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor Rich Hunn 09-04-2014 - 19:36
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor marvolous marv 09-04-2014 - 20:39
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor Bob Renner 09-05-2014 - 11:12
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor mook 09-04-2014 - 20:43
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor George Andrews 09-04-2014 - 21:17
  Re: Oil Train Bill Goes to California Governor Dr Zarkoff 09-04-2014 - 21:22
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? BOB2 09-05-2014 - 08:08
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? Dr Zarkoff 09-05-2014 - 10:30
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? mook 09-05-2014 - 11:10
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? BOB R 09-05-2014 - 20:29
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? Dr Zarkoff 09-05-2014 - 22:07
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? BOB2 09-06-2014 - 08:14
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? mook 09-06-2014 - 10:18
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? Dr Zarkoff 09-06-2014 - 10:54
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? HUTCH 7.62 09-06-2014 - 12:34
  Re: Lac Megantic? $#it Happens? mook 09-06-2014 - 13:44
  Re: When Posting, $#it Happens too ... mook 09-06-2014 - 13:49
  Re: When Posting, $#it Happens too ... Dr Zarkoff 09-06-2014 - 14:30
  Re: It's just a job, mam.... BOB2 09-06-2014 - 15:20

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