Centralia to Maytown trackage
Author: GN Goat
Date: 01-31-2015 - 02:50

Tuesday and Thursday I saw BNSF pulling strings of empty well cars North from Centralia, WA towards Maytown.

The first train was North of Exit 88 (Hwy 12) on I-5 with 40 foot cars from some markings I saw (TTX, etc).

The 2nd train was farther North crossing the road at Maytown exit on I-5. Cars exiting from I-5 Southbound were backed up onto the freeway because of the train at crossing not moving very fast.

Not know that area very well, where are the cars being taken? Is this where Western Junction is? Cars going to be scrapped I assume since the ones I saw were marked 40'. If it is Western Junction, how far is it from I-5? Any photo opportunities? IIRC, White Pass Yukon had some locomotives rebuilt in that area?

Now drive I-5 daily for my job and was surprised 3 months ago when I saw the track didn't have any cars stored on it. Now seeing trains on it as well. Is this trackage leased by Tacoma Rail or another railroad? I've seen a switcher in Centralia a couple times crossing Mellen St heading North with a single car. Didn't see the name on the Switcher.

Would this trackage be available for Steam excursions for the group in Chehalis? Haven't had time to drive around and learn where all the trackage is.

I do see BNSF grain trains and UP trains with Autoracks stored on this trackage near PSAP interchange where I-5 goes over the tracks. Assuming they are stored there until a crew can continue on.

Thanks for any info. Sorry for all the questions just trying to learn what goes on in that area.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Centralia to Maytown trackage GN Goat 01-31-2015 - 02:50
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage SP5103 01-31-2015 - 07:47
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage George Andrews 01-31-2015 - 09:38
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage Graham Pratt 01-31-2015 - 10:09
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage jdb 01-31-2015 - 11:48
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage GN Goat 02-02-2015 - 01:28
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage CCT41 02-01-2015 - 10:56
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage SP5103 02-01-2015 - 11:04
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage CCT41 02-01-2015 - 15:30
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage GN Goat 02-02-2015 - 01:30
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage GN Goat 02-02-2015 - 01:32
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage BN Oly 02-01-2015 - 18:29
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage SP5103 02-01-2015 - 18:45
  Re: Centralia to Maytown trackage GN Goat 02-02-2015 - 01:27

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