Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-28-2015 - 13:26

I like it when rumors are at least identified as such....

Where exactly did you get this understanding about UP from? Has UP even been asked, yet, to make such a 2472 move to Santa Cruz? Have they actually refused such a request, if it has been made? If so, what reasons (as a common carrier?) did they give?

There are plenty of "good" rumors and hearsay that have posted on here that have proven to be true (Rotem and the Oxnard derailment comes to mind... as something that turned out to be tragically true), and then there are also plenty of other "bad" rumors and/or speculation that haven't been proven, at all....

What is amazing is when such, unproven rumor and speculation, suddenly becomes "fact" through the "miracle" of merely posting something on the "internet", and the next thing you know, everybody's got their knickers all in a twist over it.....

I've, as yet, seen no supporting information in regard to any such request to UP to move the 2472 anywhere. I am not even sure they have a final deal with Santa Cruz County from what I've heard on here, from some of the usually more credible sources. So if there is some indicator and/or proof, which would have lead you to this "understanding", then it would be helpful to let us know where that can be found.

As Joe Friday liked to say: "Just the facts, mam..."

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor The Tramp 09-28-2015 - 00:48
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Curious 09-28-2015 - 09:42
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor BOB2 09-28-2015 - 13:26
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Just a Passerby 09-28-2015 - 10:44
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor The Tramp 09-28-2015 - 10:58
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Just a Passerby 09-28-2015 - 11:02
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor HUTCH 7.62 09-28-2015 - 13:02
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor AZebra 09-28-2015 - 14:39
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Shortline Sammie 09-28-2015 - 20:08
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Sumotuwe 09-28-2015 - 21:09
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor BOB2 09-29-2015 - 07:20
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor wsabo 09-29-2015 - 10:38
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Howard 09-29-2015 - 10:49
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Earl Pitts 09-29-2015 - 11:29
  Huh? Checker 09-29-2015 - 13:59
  Re: Huh? WILL 09-29-2015 - 17:07
  Re: Huh? Earl Pitts 09-29-2015 - 18:37
  Re: Huh? Checker 09-29-2015 - 19:33
  Re: Huh? Ken Shattock (KRK) 09-30-2015 - 09:55
  Re: Huh? HUTCH 7.62 09-30-2015 - 11:49
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Steamer 09-29-2015 - 19:15
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Dismal 09-30-2015 - 11:15
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Howard 09-30-2015 - 18:46
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Dismal 10-01-2015 - 08:33
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor George Andrews 09-30-2015 - 20:46

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