Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor
Author: Earl Pitts
Date: 09-29-2015 - 11:29

It has nothing to do with plain bearings.

UP policy since at least 1967 has been NO steam locomotives that are not owned by UP will be allowed to operate on UP trackage. Yes, there have been exceptions, such as 700 and 4449 going to and from Union Station in Portland and 1522 going between Kirkwood and St. Louis.

The exeptions pretty kuch came to a halt when 2467 developed hot bearings and caused a lot of delay on Altamont Pass some years ago. This turned out to be a move that had been "blessed" locally, not approved in Omaha, and those who agreed to the "good deed" got punished accvordingly.

Nowadays, it's as much about liability as anything. If a non-UP locomotive has a scrap-iron fit and ties up a mainline, who pays? And o, they won't just write it off.

Most independent operations are hand-to-mouth, anyway. Any money they have will go into fixing the lame iron horse.

Gripe all you want. It's UP's ball, bat, glove, and ballfield. They make the rules whether we like it or agree with the rules or not.

2467's next move was into a museum

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor The Tramp 09-28-2015 - 00:48
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Curious 09-28-2015 - 09:42
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor BOB2 09-28-2015 - 13:26
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Just a Passerby 09-28-2015 - 10:44
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor The Tramp 09-28-2015 - 10:58
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Just a Passerby 09-28-2015 - 11:02
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor HUTCH 7.62 09-28-2015 - 13:02
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor AZebra 09-28-2015 - 14:39
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Shortline Sammie 09-28-2015 - 20:08
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Sumotuwe 09-28-2015 - 21:09
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor BOB2 09-29-2015 - 07:20
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor wsabo 09-29-2015 - 10:38
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Howard 09-29-2015 - 10:49
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Earl Pitts 09-29-2015 - 11:29
  Huh? Checker 09-29-2015 - 13:59
  Re: Huh? WILL 09-29-2015 - 17:07
  Re: Huh? Earl Pitts 09-29-2015 - 18:37
  Re: Huh? Checker 09-29-2015 - 19:33
  Re: Huh? Ken Shattock (KRK) 09-30-2015 - 09:55
  Re: Huh? HUTCH 7.62 09-30-2015 - 11:49
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Steamer 09-29-2015 - 19:15
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Dismal 09-30-2015 - 11:15
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Howard 09-30-2015 - 18:46
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor Dismal 10-01-2015 - 08:33
  Re: Penultimate and Ultimate 2472 Runs In Niles Canyon, According To Rumor George Andrews 09-30-2015 - 20:46

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