Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-27-2017 - 16:09

David is absolutely right.

States, like Pennsylvania, with a "business friendly" legislature, which have "bent" themselves over backwards to be "business friendly", and already cut "taxes and regulations" (or given out huge (YUGE!) tax "incentives' or "credits" like to Carrier in Indiana) in response to previous "threats' by major companies like this, that they would leave, and "kill' jobs. So much so, that there is not much of a tax base, or many state regulations, left to cut, short of allowing them to dump cyanide into the drinking water.

These are old plant sites, some from the 19th century. Which, it will be claimed are no longer "competitive", and are not set up for the leaner meaner production lines of today.

And, if I was writing the copy for them, that would be the "justification" my PR department would spin.

But, as David rightly notes, this is mostly about going to one of the lowest wage non-union states, with a cheaper labor force, from a highly unionized state, in order to cut their long term costs from wages and benefits.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie J 07-27-2017 - 07:55
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie Bud 07-27-2017 - 09:41
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie david vartanoff 07-27-2017 - 11:09
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie BOB2 07-27-2017 - 16:09
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie JR 07-27-2017 - 18:27
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie espee2472 07-27-2017 - 19:37
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie Agent 99 07-27-2017 - 20:01
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie BOB R 07-27-2017 - 20:35
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie maker 07-27-2017 - 23:26
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie david vartanoff 07-28-2017 - 00:57
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie BOB RJJ7NV 07-28-2017 - 14:56
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie Bill 07-28-2017 - 13:18

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