Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie
Author: espee2472
Date: 07-27-2017 - 19:37

JR Wrote:
> A survey of US CEOs has ranked Texas number 1 for
> business for 13 straight years. This year
> Pennsylvania was ranked 29th, Oregon 44th, and
> California 50th. Some representative quotes
> about Pennsylvania:
> “Pennsylvania is living in the past with its aged
> and opaque statutory scheme, aged workforce and
> crumbling infrastructure.”
> “Pennsylvania is over-regulated and not
> business-friendly.”

texas, the new china

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie J 07-27-2017 - 07:55
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie Bud 07-27-2017 - 09:41
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie david vartanoff 07-27-2017 - 11:09
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie BOB2 07-27-2017 - 16:09
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie JR 07-27-2017 - 18:27
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie espee2472 07-27-2017 - 19:37
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie Agent 99 07-27-2017 - 20:01
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie BOB R 07-27-2017 - 20:35
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie maker 07-27-2017 - 23:26
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie david vartanoff 07-28-2017 - 00:57
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie BOB RJJ7NV 07-28-2017 - 14:56
  Re: GE To Eliminate Locomotive Producton at Erie Bill 07-28-2017 - 13:18

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