Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945- and in 1948
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-31-2017 - 15:10

I don't think it came out before Temple, but after. This 1948 aerial shows the entrance, with the lot already cleared for the new Superior Court, which clearly shows the old hall of justice/co. jail (Manson girl squeaky's old hangout....)on Temple. And, while not showing all of the way to Sunset, you can see the tunnel would appear to go under Temple and came out to the north. In fact up in the corner, you can see where they have cleared everything behind the old hall of justice and you can see the excavations for the Hollywood Fwy. so this would have been shortly before the Hill Street Tunnel was closed.

1948 aerial of LA


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 Pdxrailtransit 07-30-2017 - 13:52
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 synonymouse 07-30-2017 - 20:00
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 Pdxrailtransit 07-30-2017 - 20:53
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 Joe Magruder 07-30-2017 - 20:23
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 Pdxrailtransit 07-30-2017 - 20:50
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 BOB2 07-31-2017 - 01:01
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945 Ray Long 07-31-2017 - 12:53
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945- and in 1948 BOB2 07-31-2017 - 15:10
  Re: L.A. Noir - Hill St. Bunker Hill, 1945- and in 1948 Ray Long 08-01-2017 - 15:21

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