Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California
Author: PVWB
Date: 03-01-2018 - 20:58

The overnight sleeper bus seems to be doing quite well. Old TV story here [] I have ridden it a few times and found it rather good. You leave at 11:00P and arrive at about 7:30A, giving a full day in the departure city and a full day in
the destination city on arrival. Of course, I would much prefer the experience on a train!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Potential for new night train between Northern & Southern California Dragoman 02-25-2018 - 19:55
  Re: Potential for new night train between Northern & Southern California Railpax71 02-25-2018 - 20:57
  Re: Potential for new night train between Northern & Southern California BOB R 02-26-2018 - 13:36
  Re: Potential for new night train between Northern & Southern California Dragoman 02-26-2018 - 14:08
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California BOB2 02-26-2018 - 14:21
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Reality 02-26-2018 - 15:49
  Re: Potential for new equipment-when? BOB2 02-26-2018 - 16:04
  Re: Potential for new equipment-when? Reality 02-26-2018 - 16:57
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California BOB R 02-26-2018 - 16:08
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California George Andrews 02-26-2018 - 16:52
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Highball the rollby train 17 02-26-2018 - 18:21
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Reality 02-26-2018 - 16:59
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California More Reality 02-26-2018 - 18:44
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Dragoman 02-26-2018 - 19:13
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California BOB2 02-26-2018 - 19:22
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California david vartanoff 02-27-2018 - 00:19
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Sgt. Joe Friday 02-27-2018 - 07:35
  Santa Fe Hi Level fleet Chico 02-27-2018 - 10:10
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Espee99 02-27-2018 - 19:36
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California Dragoman 02-27-2018 - 19:46
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California wandering wonderer 03-02-2018 - 10:23
  Re: Potential for new train between Northern & Southern California PVWB 03-01-2018 - 20:58

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