Let's not lose focus on what's really important
Author: Dee Mo Crat
Date: 05-11-2019 - 09:08

That even if this good kid is caught and convicted, he still should be allowed to vote.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Caltrain No. 381 Locomotive Engineer Hit by Thrown Object (link) Railfan Jihad 05-10-2019 - 20:34
  Re: Caltrain No. 381 Locomotive Engineer Hit by Thrown Object (link) Anthony G. 05-11-2019 - 08:39
  Re: Caltrain No. 381 Locomotive Engineer Hit by Thrown Object (link) HUTCH 7.62 05-11-2019 - 09:05
  Let's not lose focus on what's really important Dee Mo Crat 05-11-2019 - 09:08
  Re: Let's not lose focus on what's really important Mun-i-ficent 05-11-2019 - 18:34
  Typical ignorant liberal talking point myths Not a Fake News Lib 05-12-2019 - 09:57
  Re: Typical ignorant liberal talking point myths Kalifornia Uber Alles! 05-12-2019 - 10:33
  I know what I'm talking about Mun-i-ficent 05-12-2019 - 19:09
  Re: Reposting link to GOP Platform Mun-i-ficent 05-12-2019 - 19:12
  Re: Caltrain No. 381 Locomotive Engineer Hit by Thrown Object (link) Dr Zarkoff 05-12-2019 - 22:39
  Let them vote because those good kids were railroaded Dee Mo Crat 05-13-2019 - 07:03
  Re: Let them vote because those good kids were railroaded Dr Zarkoff 05-13-2019 - 10:14
  Re: Let them vote because those good kids were railroaded Mun-i-ficent 05-13-2019 - 19:27

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