Re: Another take on why is costs so much Yeah, No problem with the NAS doing more studies...? But why, in this case, what is it we supposedly don't know?
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-28-2019 - 07:50

The National Academy Sciences (NAS), has the Transportation Research Board (TRB), and maybe, if you were more familiar with there work, you'd know that much work like this has been done, presented, and published. So no, if the NAS, or the TRB want to do "more" studies on the purported costs and benefits of HSR I have no problem, if they want to do more studies on cost factors which influence HSR construction costs, I have no problem. I myself have presented research on transportation topics at a number of NAS sponsored TRB conferences, myself....

Where do you think I get some of my criticisms of the incompetent travel behavior and incompetent planning assumptions used as the supposed rationale behind this taxpayer funded contractor cluster-f##k, that is the CAHSRA? I've published peer reviewed research work in a number of economics journals on travel behavior and transportation equity issues as well, this is how we share our knowledge and hopefully learn to do these things better.

Unfortunately, with the deal that appears to have been cut with the "budget deal" in D.C. this week, there is no learning curve whatsoever, when it comes the political "hog trough" at the CAHSRA "runaway money train", there is no "learning curve". CHSRA is and has always been nothing but a political wired contractor "hog trough", to be filled with our taxpayer dollars. So it was interesting to see Ms. Feinstein, or Ms. Pelosi, when it comes to working with Donald on a budget deal, and a Federal "green light" given this week, to keep the "runaway money train" "on-track" through Pacheco....

So, as I said previously, how many of you, who aren't happy about this taxpayer financed fiasco, have called "our" "gubmint" policy makers, to ask why we are still wasting millions of taxpayer dollars doing planning on the most costly alternative they could find to access the Bay area via Pacheco Pass?

Didn't the Governor tell us that we were stopping this wasteful boondoggle? So why are millions in taxpayer dollars still being wasted on segments we can't afford and that do nothing to meet our most pressing transportation needs and relieve our increasingly congested and gridlocked intercity freeway corridors?

Some folks still aren't hearing the message, so maybe they need a reminder?

Gavin Newsom's phone number is (916) 445-2841.

CA Assembly Transportation Committee Staff phone number is (916)319-2093 .

CA Senate Transportation Committee Staff phone number is (916)651-4121.

Make someone's life miserable this week.... Let them know you care....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  California’s troubled bullet train project getting one of biggest management upheavals in years Bill 07-26-2019 - 10:11
  Re: California’s troubled bullet train project getting one of biggest management upheavals in years Cprr 07-26-2019 - 10:21
  How much with Golden Parachutist cost taxpayers Carl Sagen 07-26-2019 - 11:35
  Re: How much with Golden Parachutist cost taxpayers Yor Taxpayer money spent on come 07-26-2019 - 22:12
  Re: California’s troubled bullet train project getting one of biggest management upheavals in years synonymouse 07-26-2019 - 12:30
  Re:About time, but the sorcerer's apprentice can't seem to stop.... Time to put on more pressure.... Here are the phone numbers..... BOB2 07-26-2019 - 15:19
  Re: Re:About time, but the sorcerer's apprentice can't seem to stop.... Time to put on more pressure.... Here are the phone numbers..... BOB R 07-26-2019 - 16:54
  Re: Re:About time, but the sorcerer's apprentice can't seem to stop.... Time to put on more pressure.... Here are the phone numbers..... Appenticio de sorserer 07-26-2019 - 22:40
  Re: Re:About time, but the sorcerer's apprentice can't seem to stop.... Time to put on more pressure.... Here are the phone numbers..... erk? 07-26-2019 - 23:32
  Re: Re:About time, but the sorcerer's apprentice can't seem to stop.... Time to put on more pressure.... Here are the phone numbers..... Max Wyss 07-27-2019 - 00:22
  Re: Re:About time, but the sorcerer's apprentice can't seem to stop.... Time to put on more pressure.... Here are the phone numbers..... synonymouse 07-27-2019 - 10:43
  Another take on why is costs so much Commenter 07-27-2019 - 11:51
  Re: Another take on why is costs so much FUD 07-27-2019 - 18:52
  Re: Another take on why is costs so much Freddie 07-27-2019 - 21:11
  Re: Another take on why is costs so much Yeah, No problem with the NAS doing more studies...? But why, in this case, what is it we supposedly don't know? BOB2 07-28-2019 - 07:50
  Re: Another take on why is costs so much Yeah, No problem with the NAS doing more studies...? But why, in this case, what is it we supposedly don't know? Bill 07-29-2019 - 07:57

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