Re: Thanks, Democrats for releasing all those thieves from jail
Author: dysfunctional
Date: 01-14-2022 - 19:24

If GOPers would quit having so many babies we wouldn't need criminal law.

u get what u vote for Wrote:
> Who could have guessed that releasing all the
> 'non-violent' offenders like thieves and organized
> crime thugs and fraudsters with a 'Covid' excuse
> would result in a lot more crime?
> 'Unexpected' as Biden and Psakiliar like to say.
> Who could have guessed that 'bail reform' that put
> crooks on the street much more often would lead to
> more crime?
> Who could have guessed that decriminalizing
> 'minor' offenses and ignoring the very successful
> Broken Windows theory of policing would leave a
> lot more criminals out on the street to keep
> stealing and hustling and assaulting and
> threatening and committing domestic violence?
> You dems are so easily seduced by every Commie
> talking point that the commie media spits out.
> Abandoned common sense for "I want to believe."
> You don't have to become a Republican to stop the
> slide into 3rd world country territory, just stop
> electing woke nuts. Older moderate Dems know right
> from wrong and have common sense. Manchin and
> Sinema are trying to stop you from
> self-destructing.
> You can whatabout all you want. PSR is partly to
> blame. But not most of the blame. Will you ever be
> honest with yourselves?

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  Thanks, Democrats for releasing all those thieves from jail u get what u vote for 01-14-2022 - 16:30
  Re: Thanks, Democrats for releasing all those thieves from jail dysfunctional 01-14-2022 - 19:24
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  Re: LaLa train heists finally make CNBC The Oracle 01-17-2022 - 13:37

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