Hous Bin Pharteen Wrote:
> Just Sayin'... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > " Shoot to KILL " - Leave a few corpses laying
> around and maybe the others will get the
> message...
> Nope. Can't do that anymore. At least not in
> Blue States. You can't use a gun anymore to
> protect you or your property. According to the
> Leftoids, you're supposed to just allow yourself
> to be victimized and file a claim with the
> insurance company later. You'll be doing a
> "social justice" service by allowing the thug to
> walk off with your big screen TV because it will
> be viewed as "reparations", "equity" and a
> "redistribition of the wealth."
> This explains why all the Leftoids were so freaked
> out over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. They SO
> much wanted to paint him as a cold blooded
> murderer and not someone defending himself. They
> even wanted to go after the jury members if they
> voted the "wrong" way on a verdict.
> As this long haired dude notes, what's to stop the
> "equity equalizers" from robbing and looting
> police stations? You can thank Leftoids like
> George Gascon and Gavin Newsom for this madness.
> New York City has just been bestowed with a George
> Gascon-clone.
> [