Re: UP says 100 arrests but DA so far refusing to prosecute
Author: Don't confuse Trigger . . .
Date: 01-19-2022 - 20:46

The Adjustment Bureau Wrote:
> Hous Bin Pharteen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The Adjustment Bureau Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > > This explains why all the Leftoids were so
> > freaked out over the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict.
> > They SO much wanted to paint him as a cold
> blooded
> > murderer and not someone defending himself.
> They
> > even wanted to go after the jury members if
> they
> > voted the "wrong" way on a verdict.
> >
> > > Rittenhouse was not defending himself.
> >
> > Funny. The jury felt otherwise. Are you
> saying
> > you're more intelligent than the twelve members
> of
> > the jury? Are you saying you considered more
> of
> > the evidence than they did? Check your
> arrogance.
> Throughout America's history, juries have made bad
> decisions. For example, there have been cases
> where trespassers on railroads were struck and
> killed by trains and juries awarded large sums of
> money to relatives of the deceased. Do you agree
> with those juries' decisions? If not, then you
> agree that sometime juries make bad decisions.
> The facts are clear. Rittenhouse lived in
> Antioch, Illinois. He obtained a firearm and
> traveled to Kenosha where he believed unrest would
> be occurring. Self-defence is not an applicable
> concept for this situation.
> >
> >
> > > If he traveled from his hometown in Antioch,
> IL
> > to Kenosha, WI experiencing intense conflict.
> > Gee, what can happen when someone brings a
> firearm
> > into place experiencing unrest?
> >
> > Where were you when he testified that his dad
> > lives in Kenosha and he was frequently there
> since
> > that's where his dad lives? He probably spends
> > 50% of his time in Antioch and 50% of his time
> in
> > Kenosha.
> Nothing I read (and I read several articles,
> including one very detailed article, stated that
> his reason for traveling to Kenosha that night had
> anything to do with his father. In fact, you
> don't even state that either. The sources I read
> stated that he traveled to Kenosha to protect
> property with one source stating it was an
> automobile dealership.
> "Intense conflict" as you say? You mean
> > it wasn't "mostly peaceful" as CNN likes to
> > report?
> "As CNN likes to report." Did CNN claim that this
> specific event was "peaceful?" Anyway, I did not
> watch CNN to learn about the shooting of Jacob
> Blake, the protest which followed and Kyle
> Rittenhouse's actions.
> >
> > > If troublemakers entered his home and he
> > brandished/and or used a firearm, THAT would be
> > self defense.
> >
> > Not quite. The Leftoids are now trying to
> change
> > legal interpretations so that you don't even
> have
> > a right to defend yourself in your own home.
> I am not concerned about what "leftoids" are
> trying or not trying to do. I stated an opinion
> as to when I consider a claim of self-defence to
> be legitimate.
> This
> > long-haired dude discusses that in this video.
> As
> > he mentions, things are getting so twisted
> because
> > of bleeding heart liberalism that there's
> nothing
> > to stop thugs from robbing police stations. If
> > they can rob a police station, they can most
> > certainly rob your home while you're there.
> I have better things to do with my time than watch
> videos.
> >
> > []
> >
> > []
> >
> >
> []
> >
> 9/media-leaves-out-important-context-to-couple-def
> > ending-their-property-with-guns-n2571523

. . . with ACTUAL facts and logic. It makes him go pee-pee and poo-poo in his pants.

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