The Perp Is A Victim of Society
Author: .
Date: 05-10-2022 - 17:29

As good little liberals, we've been programmed to look beyond the fact that the woman set the man on fire.

We have to extend compassion and sympathy to her because she's a victim of society. She probably never knew her father and her mother was probably an alcoholic. She's also had to live under the unfair capitalistic system where rich people keep a lot of their wealth and arguing and debating over the payment of reparations and the forgiveness of student loan debt seems to go on forever. Maybe she lost her marbles and the catalyst that caused that was the prospect of having to go to a blue state to get an abortion.

How could we expect her *NOT* to do something like this?

Also, "victim blaming" is very popular these days as we pracice passive-aggressivness. The guy who got set on fire is at fault for not wearing fire-proof clothing and being equipped with a fire extinguisher.

This is how liberals and Democrats think. Tucker Carlson touches on this problem in this video:


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Train passenger set on fire in Pasadena, 1 arrested :0 05-10-2022 - 16:06
  The Perp Is A Victim of Society . 05-10-2022 - 17:29
  Re: The Perp Is A Victim of Society Hey dot (actually Trigger)! 05-10-2022 - 18:03
  Re: The Perp Is A Victim of Society Ub Iwerks 05-10-2022 - 20:57
  Re: Train passenger set on fire in Pasadena, 1 arrested t 05-10-2022 - 17:58
  Re: Train passenger set on fire in Pasadena, 1 arrested . 05-10-2022 - 18:14
  Re: Train passenger set on fire in Pasadena, 1 arrested Rudi Toot Toot 05-10-2022 - 18:25
  Thanks for Proving My Point .. 05-10-2022 - 18:51
  Re: Thanks for Proving My Point . . 05-10-2022 - 18:55
  Re: Thanks for Proving My Point Rudi Toot Toot 05-10-2022 - 18:59
  Re: Thanks for Proving My Point . 05-10-2022 - 19:37
  Re: Thanks for Proving My Point Hey dot (actually Trigger)! 05-10-2022 - 19:41
  So funny :0 05-10-2022 - 21:16
  Re: So funny . 05-10-2022 - 22:18
  Re: Thanks for Proving My Point Rudi Toot Toot 05-11-2022 - 00:05
  Re: Mental illness is a very sad thing. We should provide proper care for those in need of help. BOB2 05-11-2022 - 06:26
  Re: Mental illness is a very sad thing. We should provide proper care for those in need of help. Trigger 05-11-2022 - 06:36
  Re: Mental illness is a very sad thing. We should provide proper care for those in need of help. Rudi Toot Toot 05-11-2022 - 13:22
  Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah . 05-11-2022 - 19:21
  Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah Hey dot (actually Trigger)! 05-11-2022 - 19:30
  RE: Trigger = Blah Blah Blah Rudi Toot Toot 05-11-2022 - 20:13
  Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah-Yep, being off of the meds can "embolden" trolls, too.... BOB2 05-11-2022 - 20:07
  Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah . 05-11-2022 - 20:39
  Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah Rudi Toot Toot 05-11-2022 - 21:10
  Re: Mental illness is Blah Blah Blah Hey dot (actually Trigger)! 05-11-2022 - 21:10
  Are the voices coming more and more often? What else do they tell you? BOB2 05-12-2022 - 05:48
  Re: Are the voices coming more and more often? What else do they tell you? Trigger 05-12-2022 - 09:01
  Re: Are the voices coming more and more often? What else do they tell you? NormSchultze 05-12-2022 - 13:22
  Re: Are the voices coming more and more often? What else do they tell you? Trigger 05-14-2022 - 17:05
  Re: Are the voices coming more and more often? What else do they tell you? . 05-15-2022 - 06:14

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