A point I was trying to make is that our society is now one where people break laws because they know prosecutuon will never come their way ---
unless of course their political leanings are the "wrong" way and then prosecution will come down on them with a vengeance.
This includes everything from setting people on fire on the Gold Line to walking out of stores with one's arms loaded with stolen merchandise to doxxing members of the Supreme Court and flagrantly violating 18 U.S. Code 1507.
A good example of the double-standard is how the people involved in the January 6th incident have been clubbed over the head with brutal prosecution and the people involved in the very similar insurrection against the Supreme Court not only have not been prosecuted for violating 18 U.S. Code 1507 but are practically encouraged by Jen Psaki to engage in it.
These political cartoonists and satarists "get it". Why do you clowns seem to have so much difficulty in doing so?
And here's an interesting video where a San Francisco policemen tells Fox News' Laura Ingraham that thieves bring calculators into stores when they're shoplifting to make sure they don't exceed the $950. ceiling that would increase the penalties
IF they were to get caught!
The woman set the man on fire on the Gold Line because she was emboldened by the lack of enforcement of so many laws.