. Wrote:
> A point I was trying to make is that our society
> is now one where people break laws because they
> know prosecutuon will never come their way ---
> unless of course their political leanings are the
> "wrong" way and then prosecution will come down on
> them with a vengeance.
> This includes everything from setting people on
> fire on the Gold Line to walking out of stores
> with one's arms loaded with stolen merchandise to
> doxxing members of the Supreme Court and
> flagrantly violating 18 U.S. Code 1507.
> A good example of the double-standard is how the
> people involved in the January 6th incident have
> been clubbed over the head with brutal prosecution
> and the people involved in the very similar
> insurrection against the Supreme Court not only
> have not been prosecuted for violating 18 U.S.
> Code 1507 but are practically encouraged by Jen
> Psaki to engage in it.
> These political cartoonists and satarists "get
> it". Why do you clowns seem to have so much
> difficulty in doing so?
> [
> 5005056a9545d
> [
> 4005056a9545d
> [
> izabeth-warren-leads-insurrection-against-supreme-
> court
> [
> at-justice-alitos-home-to-stay-away-from-school-bo
> ard-members-house-next-door
> And here's an interesting video where a San
> Francisco policemen tells Fox News' Laura Ingraham
> that thieves bring calculators into stores when
> they're shoplifting to make sure they don't exceed
> the $950. ceiling that would increase the
> penalties IF they were to get caught!
> [
> The woman set the man on fire on the Gold Line
> because she was emboldened by the lack of
> enforcement of so many laws.