Why? Oh why....???? LMAO....
Author: BOB2
Date: 05-16-2023 - 16:59

Not more of these typical lame excuses from the incompetent mismanaged CAHSRA "runaway money train" fiasco?

How about just the years of wasted money spent on utterly incompetent "political" planning for a rail passenger system that serves very few of CA's observed real or potential rail passenger markets, at a "we just want the fastest train" at a "cost is no object" price tag? Followed by utter project management incompetence, with repeated senior management turnover and no real accountabilty, which has resulted in an unbelievably bloated gold plated design, and basic failures in due diligence and ROW acquisition? And which is now busting the construction budgets, with a "cost is no object" "taxpayer blank check" "change order" based contracting scheme doing the construction?

What could possibly go wrong with a purely political project like this fiasco, with that kind of history...?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Why California’s High-Speed Rail Is Taking So Long Commenter 05-16-2023 - 15:53
  Why? Oh why....???? LMAO.... BOB2 05-16-2023 - 16:59
  Re: Why? Oh why....???? LMAO.... Rev. 42 05-16-2023 - 21:22
  Say no more Actual railfan 05-16-2023 - 17:44
  Re: Say no more Steamfan 05-17-2023 - 16:33
  Re: Say no more FUD 05-17-2023 - 17:29

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