Re: Say no more
Author: FUD
Date: 05-17-2023 - 17:29

"Job Creation" is the primary function of all big public works projects. It was the main reason why NASA kept funding (with Congress' insistence) the Space Launch System - though NASA also hedged its bets buying rides from SpaceX. The SLS was pure pork for the old-line cost-plus space companies, with "job creation" sprinkled around all the congressional districts and states where it would help with the budget votes. Why should CAHSR be any different? Ultimately, even the the allegedly Private Enterprise TX HSR line fell back on "job creation" once it became clear they weren't going to be able to make a profit with it.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Why California’s High-Speed Rail Is Taking So Long Commenter 05-16-2023 - 15:53
  Why? Oh why....???? LMAO.... BOB2 05-16-2023 - 16:59
  Re: Why? Oh why....???? LMAO.... Rev. 42 05-16-2023 - 21:22
  Say no more Actual railfan 05-16-2023 - 17:44
  Re: Say no more Steamfan 05-17-2023 - 16:33
  Re: Say no more FUD 05-17-2023 - 17:29

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